There are 4 stages in cleaning baby's teeth.
First : Finger brush
Well, kalau tak guna berus ni, guna kain pun boleh.. (Nurse dekat KK suruh guna kain basah je). Rub lembut dekat lidah baby and gums, untuk bersihkan sisa-sisa susu.. Baby kan menyusu je, kadang-kadang tu sampai lidah warna putih.
Whatever we use, yang penting mesti dalam keadaan bersih.. Kalau boleh, sebelum pakai dalam mulut baby tu, kita rendamla dulu kejap dalam seminit dua dengan air panas as a simple method of disinfection.. Pastu make sure dah suhu normal baru masukkan dalam mulut baby.. Dah sudah pun sama (lebih baik) and keringkan betul-betul..
Second : Lesson 1. Warna kuning.
Sesuai untuk baby yang baru ada gigi dalam 2-3 batang.
Konsep dia untuk baby belajar pegang berus gigi. Material getah, jadi baby boleh gigit-gigit, kunyah-kunyah macam teether.
P/s : Masa ni mesti kena attach ring dekat batang berus gigi tu, untuk elakkan baby daripada terjolok berus gigi ke tekak.
Third : Lesson 2. Warna hijau.
Sesuai untuk baby yang dah mula banyak gigi, lebih 4 batang.
Konsep dia nak ajar baby gerakan memberus gigi yang betul. Material getah jadi baby boleh sambil-sambil tu sakan mengunyah jugak :p.
Forth : Lesson 3. Warna oren.
Untuk bila gigi baby dah penuh/hampir penuh.
Bila baby dah boleh pegang berus gigi dengan baik, memberus dengan betul, dah tak kunyah-kunyah, maknanya dah boleh upgrade sebab material dia bulu (bristles) lembut. Kira first 'real toothbrush'.
P/s : Ring dah boleh asingkan daripada batang berus gigi bila baby dah boleh kawal tangan daripada terjolok ke tekak.
Sama macam first stage, kena pastikan berus-berus gigi dalam keadaan yang bersih dan disinfected dengan cara samada guna sterilizer ataupun rendaman air panas (bergantung pada material).
Good luck mommy! As pesanan Pegion : Good habits of proper toothbrushing right from the first stage of training will help you child to enjoy a lifetime of healthier, stronger teeth!
Well, the exact info as printed on the box, by Pegion :
Lesson 1 :
For babies from 6-8 months with 2-3 milk teeth.
For baby's first toothbrush, the concept of holding a toothbrush is introduced. The thick and contoured handle makes it easy for baby to grasp. The soft elastomer rubber head is soothing to baby's tender gums.
Precaution : Be certain to attach the shield to prevent toothbrush from becoming a choking hazard. Insert the shield from the head until it's snapped in completely.
Lesson 2 :
For babies from 8-12 months with 8-10 milk teeth.
Lesson 2 toothbrush is used as a transition to familiarize babies with the brushing movement when brushing teeth. The soft elastomer rounded heads are soft and tender to baby's gums, while the fine bristles-ends allow cleaning for all teeth as well as in between the teeth.
Note : Atrach the shield during the transition period from Lesson 1 to Lesson 2. Once baby is able to control the handling of the toothbrush, shield may be removed.
Lesson 3 :
For babies over 12 months or when most milk teeth are in.
When most of all of the milk teeth are in, the baby is ready to try his first real toothbrush with toothpaste. The rounded bristles-ends are soft and gentle to child's gums.
Care : All toothbrushes may be sterilized by either boiling, steam sterilization or sterilizing tablets for rubber material (Lesson 1 and Lesson 2). Lesson 3 can sanitize by pouring hot water over the brush that has been thoroughly scrubbed.